Hi everyone and welcome back! My name is Mrs. Nikolayew and I’m so excited for your child to be in K-3 with us. I’ve been a teacher for over 20 years and I am so happy to start this journey with your child. It is going to be a great year full of learning, fun, and so many memories to be made.
Just a few reminders:
*Your child should be in school by 8:00 ..Doors open at 7:30 at the front of the school and children enter the gym for morning assembly. Classes begin right after prayers and assembly.
*Make sure to begin bringing in some of your supplies tomorrow, which should be labeled..
*You should have your pencils, glue sticks, scissors, crayons and computer headphones especially for tomorrow..
*Please make sure they have their folders with any forms filled out for the office in there, They also need their lunchboxes and a large bookbag big enough to hold their lunchbox and folder in it.
*Please make sure they have a snack and water/or juice for afternoon snack along with lunch, snacks and water fore lunchtime. If they are buying school lunch it must be pre ordered online.
Tomorrow is Gym Day!! All children should be in their gym uniform and sneakers.
***K-3 will be dismissed at 2:30 through the school parking lot door. No one is allowed to park there for pickup.
If you have any questions feel free to message me on Classroom Dojo or you can email me..
I am looking forward to a great school year with your child. Let the excitement begin!!