Good morning,
Our focus for the week of 02/03– 02/07:
Reading: “Then and Now” – high frequency words (they, of, you, she,) , Beginning /middle sound Oo, verbs, drawing conclusions.
Phonics: digraph ch, short o, high frequency words (go,no,so,to,do).
Writing: Writing sentences.
Math: Addition
Religion: Jesus Wants Us to Love.
Social Studies: Groundhogs
Friday 2/7 - Wear Red Tag Day $1. Early dismissal 11:55a.m. aftercare open.
Wednesday 2/12 - 100th Day Celebration. Wear 100th Day shirt.
Thursday 2/13 - Valentine's Day Celebration
Friday 2/14, Monday 2/17 - NO SCHOOL Presidents Day Holiday.
Have a great day,
Mrs. Hurst