Good morning everyone,
Our focus for the week of 11/04 – 11/08
Reading: “Nature Spy” – high frequency (have, is, I, a, see, the, for, me) , beginning/ending sound Ss, proper nouns, setting, sequence.
Phonics: Beginning sounds Hh,review pior beginning sounds
Writing: Write sentences.
Math: Positions – above,below/ top, middle, bottom/ over, on, under/ inside, outside.
Religion: God Made Us
Social Studies: Election Day (kid friendly – favorite ice cream, stories)
11/4 – Read-a-thon begins. Please remember to sign up!!!
11/5 – Tuesday – Class Pictures, students wear school uniform.
11/6 – Wednesday – Individual Pictures, students may wear their own clothing or school uniform.
K-1 (Pastabilities) Tricky Tray Basket Donations due by Friday 11/8!!
Happy Sunday!
Mrs. Hurst