Good morning,
The children had a wonderful time at the farm on Friday. Thank you to all the parents who helped make this trip a success!
There is no school on Wednesday, October 18th due to the death of Jaime Canal (Mrs. Canal’s husband and Mrs. Miles’ father). The entire faculty will be attending the funeral. Please keep the family in your prayers during this very difficult time.
Read, read, read! Read – a- thon is winding down!! Let’s finish strong!
Tricky Tray basket – Please send in some items pertaining to baking. That is the theme of 1B’s basket. Next time your in the supermarket, remember our basket. Thank You!
Homework that was given on Thursday is due tomorrow. Please remember all your books.
1B will be attending the Book Fair on Thursday, 10/19. I f you would like your child to get a book from the book fair, please send the money in an envelope with your child’s name and the amount.
School pictures have been postponed to November 7th and 8th.
Everyone is to be in winter uniform this week, starting tomorrow.
Enjoy the day!!
Mrs. Mele