Spelling - Write the first 6 words in sentences. I did the first one with them Please help them with the words they can't spell. Have them underline their spelling word in the sentence. Please do not have them start each sentence with I. Please emphasize neatness. Some have not been trying their best in this area. They are not forming their letters correctly or spacing properly. Test will be on Friday.
100th Day of School - This day usually falls in February. We are currently in the mid 70's but I need to do a recount. I will send a letter in a week or two to give you more information.
Shoe Tying - I will begin testing the children on tying their shoes after the 100th day. Please begin practicing with your child if they do not know how to tie. Shoe tying is a kindergarten skill and should be mastered by now. My fear is that your child will trip on their laces and fall down the stairs.