Dear Parents:
Attached is the sign ups for Cheerleading for girls in Grades 1 to 3.
Wednesday is a half day of school with Dismissal at 12:00. AfterCare will be open.
On Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. we will have a school wide Pep Rally to honor our Varsity Volleyball Team. Our Bulldog Mascot will be present with music and confetti. The Varsity girls should wear their Volleyball jerseys and ALL STUDENTS ARE TO WEAR A SACRED HEART SHIRT ( can be gym t shirt, spirit wear or Sacred Heart sweat shirt) they can wear jeans, or sweat pants or leggins with the Sacred Heart shirt. It is a free tag day. The trophy will be on display in the front of the school gym. Students may not touch it. It goes back to the Archdiocese after 4 months.
Have a wonderful THANKSGIVNG. I am truly grateful to God for all of you and your constant support.
Mrs. Durocher