Good afternoon and Happy Sunday,
It was great seeing everyone at our orientation last Thursday. Tomorrow starts our first week of school and we are so excited to have all of our new kindergarten friends joining us. This week will be all about getting to know one another and getting familiar with rules and routines.
Some reminders:
. Students should be at school by 8:00 a.m. Class begins at 8:15 a.m. Please enter through the front doors unless utilizing before care. Students report to gym for morning assembly.
. Before care is available beginning at 7:00 a.m. Please use back parking lot doors for entry.
. Please send a note or email me if your child is attending aftercare.
. Dismissal is at 2:30 p.m. at the back parking lot. Please refrain from parking in the school lot. Thank you!
. Monday is gym for K-1, students wear gym uniforms and sneakers.
. Please pack a lunch, snack, and a water bottle. Send an extra snack if attending aftercare.
. Hot lunch begins the week of 9/11. Lunch orders are due on Fridays.
. All paperwork should be returned this week along with $8.00 cash in envelope labeled for the Scholastic Weekly Readers.
. Reminder to LABEL everything for your students.
.Please remember to sign up for my class dojo and email notifications!
Please contact me should you have any questions.
We are looking forward to an amazing year of fun and learning with your children.
Mrs. Hurst