Happy Friday!
Next week is Catholic Schools Week. In my previous blog post and message, I shared our schedule of events for the week. It is also a guide on what the students are to wear each day of the week. Please check it out if you haven't seen it. The schedule is also available on the Thursday Folder.
A big part of Catholic Schools Week is fundraising for different charities in our community, as well as for our school too. Some of the fundraising activities we have lined up for the week are:
1) St. Jude Math-a-Thon: please go to the link, search for our school, and donate to such a worthy cause to help children affected with cancer (and have your children solve Math problems every time you get a donation, win-win!) https://www.stjude.org/get-involved/school-fundraising-ideas/mathathon.html
2) Eva's Village - our class is tasked to bring in shampoo, conditioner, body lotion and body wash, so please send in what you can donate.
3) Penny Wars (Gr. 5-8 only) - this competition is per grade level and not per class so we are working with 6A as one team to bring in as much pennies (and paper bills) as we can to raise funds for our school. Silver coins can also be brought in to help us beat our opponents (whatever amount we bring gets taken out of their points). The winner gets a free trip to the magical world of Lyndhurst Pastry Shop! So help us win this!