5B Homeroom Google Classroom code: qpmuonk 5B Religion Google Classroom code: 3bwbpmn
The following forms need to be completed as soon as possible. They will be posted tomorrow in the Thursday folder:
1. Parent/Student Handbook 2. Google Account 3. Chromebook Agreement 4. Publicity 5. Emergency Contact 6. Technology Policy 7. Class Assistant 8. Lunch Form
Students also need the following:
1. $5.00 to purchase a lock for the locker (in an envelope with student name and 5B) 2. Planner for homework 3. Locker Shelf 4. Chromebook padded case with strap
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND IN PAPER TOWELS, TISSUES, WIPES AND COPY PAPER. Students may bring these in a little at a time.
For those of you who sent your forms/supplies in today, thank you.