Dear Parents/Guardians:
Tomorrow is Halloween and our students are to wear their costumes. Please note that there are no masks allowed in class, only at the parade. Weapons are not allowed at all… in class, or the parade. The Halloween parade for grades 1-8 starts at 1:00pm. You are welcome to come watch and cheer them on. We will be leaving through the Valley Brook Avenue doors and walking up and around Ridge Road and back into the parking lot via the driveway. Class parties will be right after the parade. Please note: Class moms will be providing pizza for lunch for grades 5A and 5B.
This Friday is a half day with dismissal at 12:00pm. Aftercare is available.
5A and 5B Tricky Tray donations are due on November 8th. We still need donations to fill the baskets.
SHOE DRIVE – Donate your gently used shoes this Friday, November 1st (7am-2pm) in the Sacred Heart School Parking Lot. Collected shoes not only help us, but they will be reused and given a second life by those in need through #microenterprise. It’s a WIN-WIN!