Good morning everyone,
Week one is in the books and the students seem to be settling in nicely. This week we begin working in our subject areas.
Our focus for the week of 9/18:
Reading: “The Little School Bus” – Sight words (I,am), Identifying and writing letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, characters in a story, sequencing.
Phonics: Rhyming, Syllables, Beginning sounds Mm and Aa.
Math: Alike/same, different, sorting by color and shape.
Religion: Kindness
Social Studies: I Love My Neighborhood
“All About Me ” Banner due Monday 9/18.
Gym days Monday/Wednesday – Students wear gym uniforms.
All forms should be returned to school by 9/18.
Back to School Tuesday 9/19 7:00 p.m.
Friday Pizza Lunch includes PreK and Kindergarten Students. See Thursday folder for information.
Lunch orders due Frday.
Please register for emails and sign up for my class dojo if you have not yet done so.
Remember to check Thursday folder for information.
Mrs. Hurst