Our first week of school went better than I expected. All of the students did a wonderful job wearing their masks, washing and sanitizing hands, and exploring the classroom.
They started to follow the routine, and we even started to learn how to make the sign of the cross, the daily prayers, and The Pledge Of Allegiance.
PreK-3 class needs more class assistants. If you are interested please fill out the form that you can find in the Thursday Folder and send it to me as soon as possible.
This week our theme is “ALL ABOUT ME”
Through songs, stories, poems, and art projects, children will learn what makes each of us special.
We already started to work on fine motor skills and beginning of writing by tracing simple lines. The children traced the lines with their fingers first, and then we used dot paint. We will slowly graduate to thick crayons and then markers.
All of the children did so well and I was so proud of them.
In Religion, we will talk about “Belonging To God – God Loves Me I Am Special”