1B will be going to the firehouse tomorrow.
There is no school on Wednesday. The teachers have professional development.
Please go through your child’s pencil case and sharpen all pencils.
Please make sure your child knows their address including the town. I will be testing them on it later this week and next week.
Shoe tying – It is very important that your child knows how to tie their shoes. It actually is a kindergarten skill. Many children wear shoes without laces but that will not always be the case. We are on the second floor and I am concerned that someone will trip over their laces and fall down the steps. If your child does not know how to tie, begin to practice. I will test them after the Christmas break. I will send out a reminder when we get closer.
IXL – I see some children have been practicing on IXL. That is wonderful! I will be assigning homework on it within the next week or so.
Spelling will resume next week.
Please make sure your child knows the vowel rule and can read their short a word parts. We will begin our next vowel sound tomorrow or Thursday.
Please make sure your child has a D.E.A.R book for tomorrow.
Thank you so much for the donations to add to our class library. I was able to get some wonderful books that I can read to the children! Much appreciation!
Enjoy the day! See you tomorrow!