The first day of school is an exciting milestone in your child’s life. As wonderful as this new experience may be, it can also be quite stressful for the young child. New situations and changes can, at times, be unsettling for all of us. For many children this may be their first time experiencing separation from parents or caregivers at home. It is common for even the most outgoing child to be anxious on their first day of school.
On Monday you can bring your child between 8 and 8:30 AM. Come through the parking lot door. Don’t ring the bell, one of us will be there to open the door for you. You will be allowed to come in the classroom during drop off time for the first week of school.
Half day students dismissal is at 11:00 AM, full day students at 2:10 PM. Don’t ring the bell at dismissal time, we will bring the children to the door.
Please bring in the folder with all the forms and emergency cards that you need to bring back to school.
Please send me a quick email at [email protected] with your child’s name in the subject so I can save it for future communication. Also, scan the QR code and sign up for class Dojo.
This week we will be:
From the beginning of our lives, God knows us individually and calls us by name. In the first week of school the children will discover that their names, given to them by their parents, are a very special gift that they will always have. Through songs, exercise activities, prayers, stories, finger plays, games, and art projects children will both hear their name being called and also see their names written.
We will also start practicing to trace simple lines.