Assessments Schedule and Assignments
Math 5 assessments on concepts on workbook pages 29, 30, 31 is Fri., Nov. 15
Math 6: assessment on U.S. Customary System of Measurement, Chapter 5 Lessons 5 and 6 is Fri., Nov. 15
Pre-ALgebra 7: assessment on Rational Numbers Lessons 3-1 and 3-2 is Fri., Nov. 15
Pre-Algebra 7: Thanksgiving Graphing Project was due Nov. 13. If the project was not submitted please do so by Mon., Nov. 18.
Algebra I 8: grades will close Nov. 15. Students were reminded of missing work and assessments. Progress reports were sent out. Students missing work were reminded to complete it by Nov. 15.
Religion 6A and 6B: Saint Report was due Nov. 13. Reports are due Nov. 15 if not submitted already.