Math 5: Assessment Chapter 1 Lessons 6 and 7 and Chapter 2 Lesson 1 is Tuesday, October 17.
Religion 5A: Assessment on the Rosary is Tuesday, October 17. Study guides, notes given.
Science 5;
bring in a bag of a small amount (spoonful) of dirt, small pebbles, small twigs, leaves, grass for Thursday, October 19 lab
collect 5 different leaves and bring them in Thursday, October 19
Algebra I: an HSPT test was given to the class. Students are to take it within 45 minutes. Take the test in a simulated test environment:
quiet place in home, or go to the library
work on test, time is 45 minutes, no breaks, do not look anything up, ask questions of anyone; no interruptions.
The test will be reviewed October 20 in class.