Math – p. 36 We are now working on both addition and subtraction facts to 12. Although we are using manipulatives, there are children who are still having difficulty. They are either doing the wrong operation or are counting wrong. I will soon be taking away the manipulatives. A number line is on the board in my room. You can make one for them to use at home. They count forward on a number line for addition and backward for subtraction. You can have your children go on IXL during the week and over the break to practice. It is imperative that the the children learn their facts. Some rush and are making careless mistakes. Please speak with them. Their math facts are also in their study notebook and flash cards always help with practice.
Phonics – short u paper
Reminder – 12 o’clock dismissal on Wednesday. Thank you to all who have signed up to bring something for our Friendsgiving on Wednesday. Items may be brought in by your child. If something is too heavy, stop at the office when you drop your child off in the morning and they will tell you where to bring the item or call me.
Test Folders signed and returned tomorrow. Please do not remove any papers.