Please send in lab fees ASAP. We have already started conducting labs today
6a: Please send in ALL forms, especially the Emergency forms , Tech and Chromebook ..
5th grade: finish Step 3 (Pg.6) worksheet at home : Due tomorrow
6th grade: Lesson 1, Chapter 1 quick checks due tomorrow
7th grade: Section 1 review was due today. Please hand in if you didn’t finish (pts will be deducted)
Section 1 Enrichment due today
8th grade: Section 1 Review due today. Please hand in if you didn’t finish (pts. will be deducted)
All Section 1 worksheets due
Parents please note any work handed in late will result in points being deducted for every day it is turned in late.
If your child is out sick, it is their responsibility to get the necessary work that they missed. (an extension will be given)
If your child misses a lab, it is their responsibility to make up what they missed by either conducting the lab at home or doing a report on what we were studying .