Dear Parents:
There are students still wearing the wrong uniform. We are in the Winter uniform. NO SHORTS and NO RED SHIRTS. We are in white shirts and white blouses. No one can just wear black pants and white shirt or white blouse without the sweater or vest. The exception is 8th grade only if they are wearing the Class sweat shirt they do not have to wear thee vest under it. All boys and Girls in Grades 3-8 must wear the gray vest or sweater. Students will receive a consequence if they are not in the correct uniform by Monday. You had all summer to purchase the uniform.
Just because we have a few warm days, does not mean the children can wear the shorts. The school is cool enough.
Also a reminder that the Trunk or Treat is this coming Friday. AfterCare will be open for those who need it. A letter will be going out today or tomorrow about Halloween next Thursday.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and help. It is true appreciated.
Mrs. Durocher