Dear Parents:
Just a few reminders for you:
Halloween is tomorrow. It is a full day of school. The children may wear their costumes to school. No masks may be worn in the classroom during class time. No weapons are allowed. All class parities will follow the children’s scheduled lunches.
PreK and Kindergarten parade – at 10:00 am. in the parking lot
Grades 1-8 at 1:00 p.m. out the front door.
Friday is November 1st – the Feast of All Saints. It is a holy day. We will attend the school mass at 9:00. It is also a Tag day for $1.00 and a half day of school. AfterCare is open.
Pictures are next week. Tuesday, Nov. 5 are pictures for PreK You can dress your child however you want for their picture. Nov. 5 is also the Class group picture. All students are to WEAR THE WINTER UNIFORM. They may bring their gym clothes to change.
Wednesday Nov. 6th are the individual pictures for Kindergarten through 7th grade. The students may dress in whatever clothes you want for their pictures.
Finally — Today is October 30th – tuition payments are due today. Please make sure you make your payment so as to be on time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Durocher